Monday, January 18, 2016

Broken Truck, Lost Truck!

Broken window...

Homeless friends who play ukulele and recite poetry!

Damage from the impound lot.

January 18, 2016
 Well Family sounds like everyone had a very great week. Well I have had a good week as well!! Dad I am sorry you had to take apart the down stairs again.  
 Tuesday - Well we had interviews with the First half of our Zone. So as President Ames came we got him rolling interviewing people so that he could get everything done that he needed to. As one of the Districts was being interviewed, the other had a District Meeting, and so Elder Sikaleti asked me to give a training on the Apostasy. It went well I thought. After that we switched and had the opportunity to study. Well after President Ames was all done we were able to teach Fernando with President Ames. It was a very spiritual lesson and things went well! Fernando is getting so close to being baptized it’s not even funny.  Wednesday - Well back to more interviews and things getting done. Well a District had District Meeting and we started interviews and everything started to look up! Well It was my turn to get interviewed and President Ames said that I sucked! ;) Just Kidding. We talked about why our Zone is doing really well, and how things are going, and how things are progressing, and how things are moving along. We talked about how we can duplicate this in other areas of the Mission and how me and Elder Peterson need to share that with the mission. After that our luck started to turn upside down. Well we load up some missionaries and their bikes into our truck and one of them put their handle bar right through our truck window. So we drove around with a broken window for a couple of days till we could get that fixed.  
 Thursday - Well we had some service in the morning and that was really good. Then we had a lot of Appointments with some people who are now coming back into town from the break. We had a lesson with Grace and she is doing amazing so far. She is really working hard. She is a singer here at UNT(University of North Texas)  and is really doing well in the Gospel. Strong Testimony. That night we went and taught a really powerful lesson on the Restoration with our friends Joe and Joseph! Well it was cool cause they really responded well to the lessons. Well it's about 9:30 and we walk outside to get in to our truck to go home. And Guess what? Our truck is gone. Yes Gone. Our beautiful truck is just gone. Well I know what you’re thinking and your totally right!!!  I pulled an Amanda Car deal and our Truck got Towed. So Me and Elder Peterson decided to run to the Impound lot and get it out before it got really expensive. So we dropped $188.30 on our Mission cards to get it out! So now me and Peterson have like 0 dollars to our names. But what else is new for me. I always have no money. 
 Friday - Well we had to drive to Lewisville to get our back window fixed in our truck so that we could get everything done that we needed to for the week. After that we had a lot of lessons and everything went really well. Our day was really good and was going well with LA people we are working with.  
 Saturday - We had an amazing day but it was full of doing thing for missionaries. So not to much.  
 Sunday - Was really good day. Fernando came to church and he loved it. He is working really hard at coming to church and working hard at just sealing the deal with Joseph Smith being a prophet then he said he will be ready to be baptized. So that is good. But that night we taught a recent convert who ran across some anti -Mormon things and so we are now working with that.  
 Well Family that is my week. I LOVE YALL SO VERY MUCH!!!! Thanks for all the Support. :)  
 Elder Justin C. Lee 

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